Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Gas Price going Down in the News

I think the reason that gas prices were almost $5.00 a year ago was because of our economy and the limited resource that we had left. In America we use gas everyday and we are slowly running out based how many gallons we use a day. Now we are in a recession and its nice to have low prices but our econmoy is so bad that if we want an improvment gas prices have to go up. So in a way it is a lose , lose situation. I guess all we can do is wait and see

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Project 4 Rough Draft

Too Much isn't always good : Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery has been the new trend and the must have of the millennium . Everyday more and more people are going under the knife and even some shows pay for people that are self conscious or unhappy with their body to go under the knife. But the questions is when is it enough when do people realize to STOP.Some people have a psycological disorder that makes them believe they are not pretty enough and once they undergo surgeries to try to perfect an area , they find something else that is wrong . Surgeons continue to d

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

IN the news- Jose Canseco

  1. I don't think he was right when he gave the names of the baseball players that are involved with steroids in his book. But I kind of understand why he did it , I think he felt that it would be right and in away he will be helping them come clean. But doing this with out them knowing is wrong even if what they were doing was wrong from the start.
  2. I think people will just start to assume that all baseball players use steriods , and I think the Use of that drug will tarnish the history of the great american sport baseball because it is not a great thing to say that your an addict and it will just give baseball a bad image and the parents of the younger generation may not want there child to play because the danger of being exposed to steroids.
  3. What is your view of some positive and negative aspects of performance enhancing drugs?My negative aspect is that some people tend to overuse them and that is dangerous because it becomes a problem. Positive asepect I am not really sure but I guess if you got injured maybe or an illness.
  4. Do you believe that performance enhancing drugs play a major role in all sports today?I think it does because many althletes sometimes become obessed with the sports and wnat to become better and always win and that is unfair to other althletes that have natural talents and are drug free ;and can't break the same record.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

In the News 11/06/08

I think some people wouldn't think these votes were accurate based on some of the reasons people were voting , some people just went out and voted for the person their friends voted or based on what others people were saying. I think its going to be an interesting four years because its a big change from what we Americans are use too , but I think it will be good for. Many people are worried about Obama Policy on taking 35% of someone paycheck who makes $250,000 , but the thing that some people don't think about is that it has to be voted in. So maybe that policy will not make it . But all we can do is hope for the best,

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Journal 10

Glass Celling
  • Acts: a woman gets promoted in the company she works for and gets a raise.
  • Actor: Women , Man , co-workers and CEO
  • Agency: work project , board meeting
  • Scence: Office or any working place
  • Purpose: To make sure that men are always above women in any area.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Journal # 9

Image # 1
  • On your 18th birthday you are allowed to join the army , but your not allowed to drink alcohol.
  • Enrolling in the Army is good at the age 18 , but drinking at the age of 18 is really bad it is evil.
  • When your 18 years old you don't really have the freedom to do anything , it is limited to what you can and cannot do.

Image #2

  • Polluting the earth just to produce the latest accessories.
  • Factories that are producing those products are killing are earth.
  • We should not just worry about having the latest accecories because we are killing the earth.