Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Why Wait till marriage Rough Draft

Why wait till marriage ? has always been a questions throughout our generations and even before our time people question it but was afraid to speak up because they knew it was a topic that always got into religion , because in our society premarital sex is considered unacceptable and not allowed but people think it depends on where you stand with your religion and yourself. Through time Sex has been able to be openly discussed among people and the media but it took sometime before people openly discussed it.
Today sex is everywhere in the music we listen too , movies , television and now there are even PSA practicing safe sex. The PSA are justing showing how its okay now. But now they people that decided to practice abstinence others ask them why?.The young people in this generation that decided to wear a promise rings, especially the young men people are in a way making fun of them in away. For example The Jonas Brother people deny that or can't believe that its not true , but the question is Why not it be true , why can' t it be acceptable?It is double standard in many different ways and both genders get pressured if your a guy and your a virgin others look as you as weak and your not man enough ; if your a women and you decide to have sex then you are look upon as a whore and people looked down upon.
Back then when people well especially women had sex before marriage they were considered to be promiscuous and they wouldn't be able to get married because men were suppose to marry a women that is "Pure", but in away is double standards because if a man is not a virgin thats fine is not a big deal. But through out history and through out religion women wore white on their wedding day. The color white symbolizes innocent and purity , so even a color judges were women should stand when it comes to sex.


StaceFace08 said...

Authors Questions
1. Do you understand my topic and where I am going with it?
2.Is there a biological base for love?
3. Does sex really show that you love someone or is it just pleasure?
4. Do you think society affects they way our generations view waiting till marriage?
5. What else do you think affects this topic?

dr.mason said...

You've got a good start to an essay on the issue of premarital sex, but you really need to focus earlier in your essay on your topic so the interesting points you've brought up clearly build toward something. You do start to focus towards the middle of your essay on a double standard for men and women in regards to premarital sex. Some further examples as well as some more development of how and why this exists would help it be clear whether this is the main focus of the essay.

a few questions:
Is the promotion of safe sex related to this double standard? what exactly is the Jonas Brother example about? what is the importance of the practice of promise rings, and things like abstinence-only sex ed? Do these things still rely on the language of "purity" and "virtue"? Do such campaigns appeal differently to men and women? Answers to questions like this would help bring in some more discussion of real examples of how this attitude is being spread nowadays.

If you're going to make comparisons to the past, you probably need some more specific information. You suggest that religiion was a reason people would not talk about sex, yet many would say that religion has become, in modern times, a much more taboo subject to bring up in public discourse.

In thinking about the questions you wrote:

3. Does the emphasis on the purity of women, or the double standard itself depend on the notion of sex as being for love or pleasure? For example, how does one convince a couple who is in love to abstain from sex? If the couple expects to get married, does having sex still evoke the same double standard? Or is it only for people who seek sex mainly for pleasure?

I look forward to your revised draft.

mz cherry said...

1. Do you understand my topic and where I am going with it?
I do understand your topic and where your going with it.

2.Is there a biological base for love?
I don't think there is a biological base for love because love is something that has no limits or at least no standards. You fall in love because thats the persons that sees your other half. You don't have to fall in love because if you did then that would be an infactution instead of love.

3.Does sex really show that you love someone or is it just pleasure?
It depends on the person. To me it goes both ways.Sex is pleasure and just another way to reproduce. But in some ways sex can be another way to express your love. now don't get it confuse, i don't think sex is love but to some people sex is expressing your love or getting a closer bond.

4.Do you think society affects they way our generations view waiting till marriage? Yes indeed our socirty does affects the way our generation sees waiting till marriage. The media, our neighbors, kids in school, the teens you see that are pregnant, It's both negative and positive. Society today more encourage you to have sex whenever you think you are ready or peer pressure you to do it.

5.What else do you think affects this topic?
There are a lot of factors that affects this topic.Religion, culture, how a person was raised, friends, school, media, and so on