Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Chapter 3 questions

  1. The experience that Smiley had that change her beliefs about chores , was when she  started working  at the stable , she did all the housework that children were normally forced to do but the difference was she wasn't doing it because her parent told her to do but because she really loved her horse and knew that take care of it was her responsibility. She describes her experience after she explain her opinion about chores and how she doesn't agree with the way it is brought upon a child. I think if she had placed it somewhere else It wouldn't have a great impact on me because I wouldn't really understand the reason behind the story.
  2. The reason and evidence Smiley offers are all from personally experience and what she had seen throughout her life when it came to the chores topic.I don't rally think her reason and evidence are authoritative because she is just talking about her opinion and she is not really telling the reader that you should do this it is just a suggestion.
  3. Smiley use of rhetorical questions appeal to her readers because she makes you think about it and  your able to make up your mind about the topic. My reaction to those questions are " Wow I never thought it about that way!" I was able to view the topic differently.

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