Monday, September 8, 2008

Journal # 2

"Finding the Flexibility to survive" was an essay written by Brighton Earley this essay was compelling because she wrote about a difficult time in her life and how she cope with it.
"A little silence is just the thing" was written by Sadie, was compelling because there was more meaning behind the title.
  • Both essay use personal experience to showcase their beliefs.
"Finding the flexibility to survive" tone was more hopeful and that was achieved by the way the writer explained the story and how in the end she was trying to look at the bright side of things that are going on with her life.
"A Little silence is just the thing " had a reflective tone and that was achieved by the way the writer judge what she has been doing and her attitude.
These essays are both similar because in the end the send out a valuable message that relate to life and they both talk about viewing things life differently could be a good thing. Both essays are differently written and the message in the end of the essays were different even though it dealt with life's obstacles.
I believe both essays follow the writing guideline.
  • For Project 1 I am not sure what belief I would like to write about , because there are many different beliefs that are interesting and would be great to talk about. Right now I am undecided but hopefully something pops up and catches my eyes.


1 comment:

luissm2 said...

I beleive that surviving is not only a life and death situation but also surviving difficult times that people go through in lives.
I think you should definately write about something you beleive strongly. Also writing more in your blog would have help me understand it a little bit better.