Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Gas Price going Down in the News

I think the reason that gas prices were almost $5.00 a year ago was because of our economy and the limited resource that we had left. In America we use gas everyday and we are slowly running out based how many gallons we use a day. Now we are in a recession and its nice to have low prices but our econmoy is so bad that if we want an improvment gas prices have to go up. So in a way it is a lose , lose situation. I guess all we can do is wait and see

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Project 4 Rough Draft

Too Much isn't always good : Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery has been the new trend and the must have of the millennium . Everyday more and more people are going under the knife and even some shows pay for people that are self conscious or unhappy with their body to go under the knife. But the questions is when is it enough when do people realize to STOP.Some people have a psycological disorder that makes them believe they are not pretty enough and once they undergo surgeries to try to perfect an area , they find something else that is wrong . Surgeons continue to d

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

IN the news- Jose Canseco

  1. I don't think he was right when he gave the names of the baseball players that are involved with steroids in his book. But I kind of understand why he did it , I think he felt that it would be right and in away he will be helping them come clean. But doing this with out them knowing is wrong even if what they were doing was wrong from the start.
  2. I think people will just start to assume that all baseball players use steriods , and I think the Use of that drug will tarnish the history of the great american sport baseball because it is not a great thing to say that your an addict and it will just give baseball a bad image and the parents of the younger generation may not want there child to play because the danger of being exposed to steroids.
  3. What is your view of some positive and negative aspects of performance enhancing drugs?My negative aspect is that some people tend to overuse them and that is dangerous because it becomes a problem. Positive asepect I am not really sure but I guess if you got injured maybe or an illness.
  4. Do you believe that performance enhancing drugs play a major role in all sports today?I think it does because many althletes sometimes become obessed with the sports and wnat to become better and always win and that is unfair to other althletes that have natural talents and are drug free ;and can't break the same record.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

In the News 11/06/08

I think some people wouldn't think these votes were accurate based on some of the reasons people were voting , some people just went out and voted for the person their friends voted or based on what others people were saying. I think its going to be an interesting four years because its a big change from what we Americans are use too , but I think it will be good for. Many people are worried about Obama Policy on taking 35% of someone paycheck who makes $250,000 , but the thing that some people don't think about is that it has to be voted in. So maybe that policy will not make it . But all we can do is hope for the best,

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Journal 10

Glass Celling
  • Acts: a woman gets promoted in the company she works for and gets a raise.
  • Actor: Women , Man , co-workers and CEO
  • Agency: work project , board meeting
  • Scence: Office or any working place
  • Purpose: To make sure that men are always above women in any area.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Journal # 9

Image # 1
  • On your 18th birthday you are allowed to join the army , but your not allowed to drink alcohol.
  • Enrolling in the Army is good at the age 18 , but drinking at the age of 18 is really bad it is evil.
  • When your 18 years old you don't really have the freedom to do anything , it is limited to what you can and cannot do.

Image #2

  • Polluting the earth just to produce the latest accessories.
  • Factories that are producing those products are killing are earth.
  • We should not just worry about having the latest accecories because we are killing the earth.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Journal 8

The sort of claim this image is making is that we will never be able to leave Iraq and all are open opportunities or doors will be blocked. It shows Uncle Sam trying every door that say exit , but the ones he tried so far are blocked.

Questions For Active reading

Questions for Active Reading - Lightman pg.371

  1. I think reading the first paragraph and last , helps the reader get an idea what the whole essays is about and be able to understand it more if the decided to read the whole essay because the last paragraph is the conclusion ; and that sums up the main points of the whole essay.
  2. It is important to know that Lightman is a scientist , because the readers get a better understanding of what the are reading and would be able to believe what they are reading. Also the experiment and research that he is doing make more sense. I do not think an artist or social worker would write about this subject in this way , because it is not really their area of interest and if the were to the word choice would be different.
  3. In the last paragraph Lightman is using a lighthearted tone , he is giving more of his personal opinions and there is some comedy.For example when he was talking about how one day he is going to catch the earth's shadow in a lunar eclipse to find out if the world is round or flat; out of nowhere he opens up an new research by saying that "the earth is reported to be flat at the poles."


  1. To support the theory of evolution Gould identify facts from paragraph 11- 16. In paragraph 16 he says' Transitions are often found in the fossil record."
  2. In paragraphs 15-17.
  3. When he made his reference it gave the readers an idea of what he is going to talk about.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

In the News U.S. $ 1 trillion dollar

This I believe

Patience is a Virtue, and those who have it can say it's a gift and a curse. All my life I felt that my patience has been tested and is still is today. It’s like I am in an endless season of a TV. show or Game show were your pain is peoples pleasure For example Boiling Points is a show that is timed , but the twist of that show is that you don’t know if you are on it , it is just everyday people during what they normally due and someone just comes and irate and test their patients. If you stay calm throughout the whole time the person is bothering you, you win one hundred dollars. Punk'd is a similar show but this one you don’t win anything, just you get to be on television and Ashton Kutcher who is a well known actor comes out and tells you that it was all a joke “you just been Punk’d”. But in the case of reality no one ever comes out and just says “Hey it was all a joke you have just been Punk’d!” and give you one hundred dollars for all your troubles.
I once heard a quote and I thought it was an interesting quote because I didn’t really understand it the quote was written by John Dryden, 1680 “Beware the fury of a patient man.” It was a little confusing when I first read it but now a understand it; a patient man doesn’t have fury and the person that is testing it, will be the one getting angry and loosing his/her head. I realize the meaning of that quote when I started working at a shoe store, every day the costumer would be testing the Sales associates patience , by make you bring 50 shoes out for them to try own , complaining that you are not giving them your devoted attention and in the end of they do not get anything. It is hard sometimes to keep your patience especially if you just want to take all those feelings you have bottled up and just let them out. I honestly don't know how it works, but when it does you feel better. I have been tested in so many different situations in my life physically and mentally, big and small. For example when someone took my art work cause the thought is was theirs and ruining by painting it over with different colors, My ride forgetting about me , my little brother breaking my laptop, even these small things tested my patience. Life maybe is a rollercoaster and even though you can't get off until the ride is over. Make the best of it that is what I am trying to do and I understand why people in a way envy patience because paitence is protecting from most of life cruel ways and disease. Too many Americans are being diagnosed with High blood pressure and my mother told me with my patience I will be able to be healthy and enjoy life. Sometimes I do feel like why do I have to always received the bad news or why do I have to be tested. But I feel that if I keep my patience the good news will just being popping out of nowhere just like Ashton Kutcher.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Active Reading pg. 158

  1. To better express my meanings in the " This I believe" I tried focusing on the information , structure and the audience , because before I didn't really get in depth with those.
  2. When I read the essay out loud I was able to see which sentences did not make sense and be able to rephrase them. Reading the essay aloud to me helps with word choice and helps me figure out the way to phrase what I am trying to say.
  3. That additional information personally does not influence how I read that qoute and listen to its speaker. I feel like it is just giving me diifrenets views and tips are revising your work.

Journal 7

  • Things that Orwell mentions as proof that the English language is in trouble are the lack of precision , staleness imagery, the bad habits which spread by imitations , political and economic causes and the phrases we tend to use like "leaves much to be desired".
  • I think the English language is in somewhat worse condition from when Orwell wrote his essay because today more people are pursuing higher education , so there are more intellectuals , but our everyday English I believe is worse.
  • The rules that he believe can help ones writing are interesting ; but I would have to try them out in order to believe they work.
  • I really like that strategie , because it helps one not to be close minded about writing and be able to look at writing in a different way.I have never tried it but I think those strategies might be able to help one express through writing.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Religious Art

This articles main focus was about religious art
being put in the public eyes , So everyone to see should it be acceptable or should it only be in specific areas ? It was am interesting article because some people will just view it as art and others believe it is too much because not everyone especially in America have the same beliefs.What do you think of a mural of all religions in a public space do you think be would like that or be offended that there high power is next to someone else?Sould other religions be able to display their art? Should the government be involved in the funding or do you agree its unconstitutional ? Would it be much more acceptable if an independent group of people did it since in America we do have "Freedom of Speech"?

My In the News - Ok City Funds 3rd attempt for public religious art

OK city funds 3rd attempt for public religious art
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -- A conservative Oklahoma City suburb with a history of trying to incorporate religious art into public spaces has approved city funds to help pay for a statue of Jesus Christ to be placed downtown for Christmas, likely leading to another court fight.
The Edmond Visual Arts Commission last month approved $3,900 to help pay for the 26-inch-tall bronze statue titled "Come Unto Me." It will be placed in front of a downtown shop called Sacred Heart Catholic Gifts.
The vote was 6-2 with one member abstaining.
Just last year, the arts commission backed down from a decision to use public funds on a $17,500 statue of Moses at Edmond's First Christian Church. After public outcry, the commission unanimously agreed to allow private donors to buy the city's stake in the statue.
A decade ago, the city about 10 miles north of Oklahoma City, was forced to pay more than $200,000 in legal fees after losing a court battle to keep a cross on its city seal.
"This is the third major unconstitutional effort they've engaged in recent years," said Barry Lynn, executive director of the Washington D.C.-based Americans United for Separation of Church and State. "It's a little surprising, because normally people pause to take a breath before they violate the Constitution again."
June Cartwright, the chair of the commission and who supported funding the latest statue, said the sculpture was viewed simply as a piece of art and not a religious endorsement.
"It is a piece of artwork," Cartwright said. "It doesn't state that it is specifically Jesus. It is whatever you perceive it to be."
The Web site of the work's artist, Rosalind Cook, described the image as depicting Jesus with three children, one cradled in his arm. "Every major line leads to the face of Christ who is the focal point and apex of the sculpture," the site says.
Karen Morton, who owns the Sacred Heart shop and who privately raised the other $3,900 of the $7,800 sculpture's price tag, said she hasn't received any complaints or negative comments about the decision. "I don't see a problem with it. I'm not a church," she said.
But Lynn said using public funds on the project is a clear violation of the U.S. Constitution.
"You cannot promote what is obviously a very specific religious image using tax dollars," Lynn said. "The city lawyers should have stopped this. This isn't even close to the line. This is way over it."
Edmond's city attorney, Stephen Murdock, said, "I think there are differences of opinions regarding that issue." He declined to say what his recommendations were to the commission.
A message left Tuesday with Cook was not returned. Her sculptures -- some religious and some secular -- have been placed in churches, libraries, schools, hospitals and private and public businesses from Pennsylvania to Hawaii.
Michael Salem, an attorney who successfully challenged Edmond on its use of a cross on the city seal, said the issue is more one of fairness than being anti-religion.
"It's a slippery slope that the city wanders into when it does this," Salem said. "Once they have set down that path, this means that if an application is made by some other group that wants to put some kind of religious object up in front of their business, then the city could be obligated or required to pay for it also."
On the Net:
Artist: http://www.rosalindcook.com
Edmond: http://edmondok.com
Americans United for Separation of Church and State: http://www.au.org
(Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Why Wait till marriage Rough Draft

Why wait till marriage ? has always been a questions throughout our generations and even before our time people question it but was afraid to speak up because they knew it was a topic that always got into religion , because in our society premarital sex is considered unacceptable and not allowed but people think it depends on where you stand with your religion and yourself. Through time Sex has been able to be openly discussed among people and the media but it took sometime before people openly discussed it.
Today sex is everywhere in the music we listen too , movies , television and now there are even PSA practicing safe sex. The PSA are justing showing how its okay now. But now they people that decided to practice abstinence others ask them why?.The young people in this generation that decided to wear a promise rings, especially the young men people are in a way making fun of them in away. For example The Jonas Brother people deny that or can't believe that its not true , but the question is Why not it be true , why can' t it be acceptable?It is double standard in many different ways and both genders get pressured if your a guy and your a virgin others look as you as weak and your not man enough ; if your a women and you decide to have sex then you are look upon as a whore and people looked down upon.
Back then when people well especially women had sex before marriage they were considered to be promiscuous and they wouldn't be able to get married because men were suppose to marry a women that is "Pure", but in away is double standards because if a man is not a virgin thats fine is not a big deal. But through out history and through out religion women wore white on their wedding day. The color white symbolizes innocent and purity , so even a color judges were women should stand when it comes to sex.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Interviews " Why wait till Marriage ?"

Fictional Person
Stacy- Why do you think its better to wait till marriage?
X- The question is why not wait ? People never think of that why not it better to wait. I think its better to wait because your able to be able to see who wants you for a relationship or not . I personally think the young generation should really think about this because now a days many people of the younger generation do not think of the consequences and how they think the are ready but not.
Stacy- So you think that the younger generation should wait , but do you think its double standards when it comes to men and women. Like when a women or young ladies want to wait till marriage some people respect that but when a men or a younger men says the something some people just make fun of them and say they do not have I quote "Game!"
X- I believe that in a way it is double standard because all the pressure , temptation and the media. The media is in away saying that having premartial sex is ok and is attractive , but its not in away. Some older people I asked that are married if it was worth it , to do it before marriage say they wish they waited because they felt that there marriage would be more close.
Stacy- So do you think if the media didn't in away put pressure to the younger generation , more people would see why its better to wait.
X-well the pressure is not only the media but also there peers . I feel when you are able to wait you overcome all those pressure and can say that you waited when you were ready.
Stacy- Ok how about some people that say they are just waiting for the right person?
x- well wouldn't the right person be the person they might end up marrying.
Stacy- well that's not really the case. Well our times is up but thank you for coming here and talking to me X I appreciate

Journal # 6

" Waiting till marriage" Tagememics
  • Proof of love and devotion
  • Healthy for you mentally and physically
  • Protects you from disease
  • A stronger relationship
  • Intimacy


  • Sex is more to the public , people or more open about their opinions
  • The media is not strict about it , music , televisions ...
  • It is more accepted if someone makes the decisions not to wait.
  • More married couple are getting divorce.
  • Promoting safe sexs
  • Sex ED

Draw Connections

  • Hippie Era
  • Evolution of music

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Questions for Active Reading Pg.245

  1. Richard Cohen believe that men do not have friendships , but Tavris believe that men do have friendships but they way the communicate and express themselves differently than the way women do. Both writers believe that men do not get really deep in there conversation , if something is really affecting them , they are not that open about it to their friends.
  2. Cohen's definition of friendship is that it's a bond and something that women have and men think they have it but they actually don't. Tavris's definition of friendship is being able to open up and express how your feeling to someone you believe is trustworthy and the person can do they same. Its being meaningful and be able to talk about anything. My definition of friendship is having someone that you can have a good time and laugh and be able to cry on their shoulders when you need to vent. Someone that is there when you need someone to hang out with or talk about life with.
  3. Tavris classifies people as mature if the can make moral decisions or something that benefits their love ones.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

In the News # 5 ( Pitbull Attacks)

I personally never really liked pit bulls , but I have no problem with them if they are in a cage. But based on those recent attacks for example about the 4 month infant getting attacked by the two pit bulls , I think they are dangerous. But it depends on how they are trained and raise it , because many people buy pit bulls because they are intimidating and others have a pit bull and train them to be good dogs. But the rights of dogs V.S. humans is difficult to address because most people think that humans are important and lately the dogs rights have been getting better but it will never be on the same level as humans.

Active Reading PG.233

  1. I had a hard time visualizing what he is doing he didn't really explain , but the concept are not clearly defined. I think at the end of the essay Sanders feel the need to describe it step more clearly , so the reader can have a better understanding.
  2. His chronological order is the present past and back to the present and he clearly points them out with the date and the stories of his grandfather and his childhood.
  3. A dawn stone were the unrocked that served as the earliest hammers. He describe this in this essay because it shows how early tools have been used by human.

Journal # 5 " Why I want A Wife"

  1. The types of duties Syfers describe as being performed by a wives are the household chores , taking care of the children and husbands need , cooking and make sure that everyone has all their necessities. To some degrees I believe these are still done by women but it is not as demanding as it use to be back then.Well now today husbands are becoming more involved with taking care of their children and are more understanding because in today's economy both the husbands and wives have to work .
  2. Syfers' style is very simply , she gets right to the point and she is able to express her sarcasm , I thought that was very interesting. She was very daring with her word choice and wasn't afraid to be repetitive so she can get her point across. I would typically avoid being repetitive
  3. The types of unfairness and injustice that I see in the world nowadays is the double standards and " The Glass Celling." The people that benefits from the injustices I see active in the world today are people have a stable income .

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Myspace+ FaceBook= Addiction?

These social sites are a phase , because more and more people are getting hooked and even the younger generations are getting into the trend of social networking. Even though these websites have helped find our childhood friends are helps stay connected with people we are about even if the are away. But it also has a negative side because ANYONE can get one and thats the dangers of social networking because sometimes people don't know who they are talking to or even how old. I believe its a big threat to the younger generation because they devout themselves to it and get so addicted that some put there lives in danger, Cyber bulling has increased ever since those websites have been created and the older generation don't realize how its affect the younger generation unless its on the news that a 13 year girl commited suicide. But there a good and a bad side to it and its just about being careful and most people get over them and just check them once in awhile but others lives revolve around it.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Questions for Active Reading Pg.108

  1. The "6 Myths of Creativity" is bassically everything that be assume about overall creativity and how people get creative and the "6 Myths of Creativity is just clarifying what is true and what is not.
  2. Teresa Amabile designed her research to see how people asre creative but with telling them what she is really doing and if she is even looking for creativity. She collected 12,000 daily journal entries from 238 people that are working on creative projects in seven companies in the consumer products, hightech and chemical industries.
  3. The audience for Bill Breen's article are people that are in bussiness or working for a company. I can tell because the article is giving tips to the people in charge on how to get more creativity out of their workers

Journal # 4

  1. Barthlolomae means that the student has to create the university in their own way but by using the language of the academy , inventing the university will help the student be able to learn the skill .
  2. Bartholomae suggest that "all writers must imagine for themselves the privilege of being insiders of being both inside an established and powerful discourse and the right to speak."
  3. The difference between the two examples of student writing that Bartholomae examines are the first essay about the "White Socks" was not an elegant paper , the student that wrote this essay is saying that he invented the whole style which is not true , If this was handed out to other students they wouldn't believe him , the discourse was entered correctly. In the essay about music the writer is consistently dramatically conscious of herself. She said she was creative but didn't taker all the credit by saying that she didn't purposefully copy the songs but used them as "inspirations." Her essay unlike the first essay relied on quotations marks and parody to set off the language. The style was more difficult.In Bartholomae opinion he believe the second essay was more successful because of the style and level of difficulty

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Technology is it a threat?

Technolgy has always been a great advance and a great threat but we as humans always disregard the harm because technology makes life easier for us and in away protects us. For example Nuclear power when it was created was thought to be the greatest Technolgy and sooner or later we realized it is the biggest threat to human life that was ever created . But we never think of the consequences and what might happen. Even though it threatens us we are not going to stop with technology because we are so use to it and most technology is part of our daily lives,

Monday, September 15, 2008


Patience is a Virture, and those who have it can say it's a gift and a curse. All my life I felt that my patience has been tested and is still is Today. Its like I am in an endless season of a T.v. show or Game show were your pain our peoples pleasure For example Boiling Points and Punk'd. But someone never comes out and tell me that I was in boiling Point and I just won one hundred dollars or Ashton Kutcher doesn't pop out and say " Hey Stacy you just been Punk'd!". Those two shows all at once, that pretty crazy.
I didn't really know what that saying mean't , but people always said that to me , Like the lovely costumers that I have at the shoe store that always make me run back and forth to get shows and the either take one thing out of 50 shoes or nothing at all but leave a big nice mess for me to clean up. But everytime the are leaving the always said " Thank you for being so Patience with me and I wish I had your patience!", I thought the were just being nice but know I realized if I wasn't patient working there I would have lost my mind. Its hard sometimes to keep your patience esspecially if you just want to take all those feelings you have bottled up and just let them out. I honestly don't know how it work. I have been tested in so many diffrent situations in my life physically and mentally , big and small. For example when some one took my art work cause the thought is was theirs and ruining by painting it over with diffrent colors, My ride forgetting about me , my little brother breaking my laptop, even these small things tested my patience.
Life maybe is a rollercoaster and even though you can't get off until the ride is over. Make the best of it that is what I am trying to do and I understand why people in a way envy patience because paitence is protecting from most of life cruel ways and disease.Too many americans are being Diangnosed with High blood pressure and my mother told me with my patience I will be able to be healthy and enjoy life. Sometimes I do feel like why do I have to always receive the bad news or why do I have to be tested. But I feel that if I keep my patience the good news will just being popping out of nowhere just like Ashton Kutcher.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In the News: Politics

In politics does the canidates families make or break them when It comes to winning this election? I believe that this is true as Americans we are very family oriented some more than others, and it would make sense to have a president that is also. They people view our president and their families is they way they view America. When it comes to representing our country or us a one , our society is always going to want the person nad their families is close too perfect and even though its impossible . Its just part of our society and for years we have sterotyped what an All "American Family" should be and canidates have to show that they have that all American family and for years thats how society made it to be. If we had a candiate that was a single parent or divorced , I think our society would be a little spectacle about chosen that candidate because thay are thinking about how will other countries view america and how it will affect our society.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Chapter 3 questions

  1. The experience that Smiley had that change her beliefs about chores , was when she  started working  at the stable , she did all the housework that children were normally forced to do but the difference was she wasn't doing it because her parent told her to do but because she really loved her horse and knew that take care of it was her responsibility. She describes her experience after she explain her opinion about chores and how she doesn't agree with the way it is brought upon a child. I think if she had placed it somewhere else It wouldn't have a great impact on me because I wouldn't really understand the reason behind the story.
  2. The reason and evidence Smiley offers are all from personally experience and what she had seen throughout her life when it came to the chores topic.I don't rally think her reason and evidence are authoritative because she is just talking about her opinion and she is not really telling the reader that you should do this it is just a suggestion.
  3. Smiley use of rhetorical questions appeal to her readers because she makes you think about it and  your able to make up your mind about the topic. My reaction to those questions are " Wow I never thought it about that way!" I was able to view the topic differently.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Journal # 2

"Finding the Flexibility to survive" was an essay written by Brighton Earley this essay was compelling because she wrote about a difficult time in her life and how she cope with it.
"A little silence is just the thing" was written by Sadie, was compelling because there was more meaning behind the title.
  • Both essay use personal experience to showcase their beliefs.
"Finding the flexibility to survive" tone was more hopeful and that was achieved by the way the writer explained the story and how in the end she was trying to look at the bright side of things that are going on with her life.
"A Little silence is just the thing " had a reflective tone and that was achieved by the way the writer judge what she has been doing and her attitude.
These essays are both similar because in the end the send out a valuable message that relate to life and they both talk about viewing things life differently could be a good thing. Both essays are differently written and the message in the end of the essays were different even though it dealt with life's obstacles.
I believe both essays follow the writing guideline.
  • For Project 1 I am not sure what belief I would like to write about , because there are many different beliefs that are interesting and would be great to talk about. Right now I am undecided but hopefully something pops up and catches my eyes.

  • http://www.thisibelieve.org/dsp_ShowEssay.php?uid=31840&topessays=2&start=0
  • http://www.thisibelieve.org/dsp_ShowEssay.php?uid=7650&topessays=3

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Journal #1

1. Describe the situation that made you feel a need to respond in writing ? 
   I wrote that poem after my brother had to go to the emergency room because his blood sugar was low.
2. Why did you decide to respond in writing , instead of taking some other action or not responding at all ? I decide to respond in writing because I felt that it was the only I could have express my feelings and explain the situation by being more in depth.
3. What type or genre of writing did you use to communicate your purpose , and why did you choose this genre? I choose to do a poem but in free write style because i felt that it would be the best way to express myself.
4. Who was your audience and what kind of relationship did you want to establish with your readers? My audience were my classmates and my AP english teacher, I wanted them to be touched by the poem and relate it to an incident that they may have experience.
5. What was your purpose in writing? Did you feel you accomplished this purpose ?  My purpose  was to make others be able to relate with my incident and express my  love for my brother.
6. What knowledge of the context and culture did you draw on to guide your writing?
 I did everything from personal experience.
7. How is thinking about your writing as responding to a rhetorical situation different from other ways to think about the writing you do? When you write, most of the time you don't think about rhetorical situations, you just think about putting your point across.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Enhancements that are acceptable in Human activites.

In my opinion it really depends on the situation and how are the enhancement are being used and the reason behind it. As Humans we always find a tendency to want to improve are skills and performance , but sometimes we tend to get a little obsess with the idea of something that is helping you advance your skills and begin to abuse it . Many enhancement I believe are acceptable in human activities are acceptable but when it becomes an addiction and it is being abused then we have a problem. It works both ways , but it should be to an extent.